I have a lot on my chest and more in my head. I'm afraid to take a deep breath because I don't know what's in the air.
"Love thy neighbor," religion preaches to our face, but we're getting stabbed in the back.
Speak your mind or keep your peace, but you'll get ravaged and trampled like how we treat the Middle East.
The blood of the innocents marks a trail of man's march through history. Hegel preached that history was the dialectical movement of God's march through time; but it's not. It's a struggle of human selfish interests against the selfless ones: empathy saves us, but greed rips us apart at the seams. We shouldn't aim to survive and reap a living by stepping on others; helping each other survive will let us all thrive.
The government and court systems can bring down the activists, the geeks, the "freaks," the outspoken lover of Gaia Mother Earth, and the kid who was sexually assaulted. But it won't bring down McMiney-Bags and Big Oil, athletes who bend the rules because they can get away with it.
We preserve a system that has been corrupted by power and greed, plunging us further away from cooperation and coalition building.
Why do we claim success based on material belongings? We measure happiness with dollar signs as we steal resources from indigenous groups and their livelihoods. We deplete the earth through over farming and then claim we didn't know better and it's no irreversible.
These discussions. We need to have them.