Monday, January 30, 2012

All I hear is Blah Blah Blah

Everyone thought they had something worth saying.

Except for the quiet one, who actually had something worth hearing.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The value of seeing

I never really considered myself intelligent. Yeah, I'm smart or something... whatever that adjective is.

It's more of: I'm just a bit more perceptive than others. That's all.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Fall

There's something about knowing that I could fail miserably.

Well, here I am, again, hanging off the proverbial cliff. If I slip, I fall. But that's the push. Failure is not the end, it is the school of hard knocks. You need to get kicked down, and then kicked some more. How else can you appreciate the success, the gloriously epic feeling of invincibility.

That's when the climb starts. Get up. Move. The greatest success in your life is getting up and trying it again.

That something about being within Failure's control isn't panic. It's not resignation. It's determination. The mud on your knees and the dirt on your hands is all the grip you need.

Now fight back.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Let's continue this controversy

What makes someone uncultured? Uncivilized? Who are we to determine whether or not someone deserves to live or not? We’re not god. We don’t get to pick the fate of someone because they screwed up; because they made a decision they deemed necessary. We don’t get to pick anything but our own life. And because we don’t even have full control over that, we try to rule everyone else’s. But I don’t think we really want control. We say we do, but having total control of our lives means that if something goes wrong, we are forced to blame ourselves. It’s like having a god; we look at how horrible it would be to blame ourselves, so we accuse something intangible. But if we are completely responsible for ourselves, then if something goes right, we give ourselves the credit. We take the credit but not the blame. That’s stupid; if you’re going to take the praise, take the accusations also. Honestly, if we can’t take the blame for ourselves, what makes us think we can take the blame for messing up someone’s life? If we can’t handle the blame, then why should we deserve the praise?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Sitting on the fence

This whole watching both sides.
This whole not making any decisions because you still don't feel any pressure to.

This whole middle-of-the-road thing is going to get me hit by a car at some point.

Friday, January 13, 2012

The conversation (or How I hope it will go)

Hey kiddo, how are ya?

"Hey, I'm good, ya'know."

Yeah, I know. Everything's good? Keeping up on school and work? Trying to adjust to the new home and the new dad?

"It's tough but I get by."

You really don't like him, do you?

"Not really... he's not like my dad."

Yeah, I can understand. Hey, how's your buddies? They taking care of you and all?

"Yeah, we hang out all the time, it's great."

I bet (eye roll as I'm giving the understanding nod)... Now, be honest and tell me something you don't typically say to please someone. You know I care, so tell me the truth. Are you okay?

"What? Yeah, I'm fine, why?"

The truth...

Monday, January 9, 2012

There's a difference...

I realize it may sound horrible but I really can’t stand the whole “Democracy is the best” debate. How can we say for sure that is the best form of government? The United States technically isn’t a democratic nation; it’s a republic with democratic principles. And then there’s the whole democracy and capitalism going hand in hand. These two terms are not synonymous; democracy is a form of government as compared to capitalism, a type of economy. There are nations that are democratic and not capitalistic, but yet Americans think it’s a huge debacle. Heaven forbid another nation is not capitalistic but practices the act of a democratic government. Then people think that a corrupted democracy is due to a weak country. Has anyone looked at the United States political system? Politicians earmarks left and right while Gerry Mander-ing borders for their constituents. But let’s forget all about this wonderful country we live and point out the grave evils of Castro, and other politically corrupted nations with their lack of a capitalistic economy and huge gap between upper and lower class. It’s fine. Let’s completely turn a blind eye to our own mistakes and just point out everyone else’s, no big deal. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

About time

I haven't been able to update recently because of work taking up most of my spare time and sleeping the other percentage. I wish you the best for the new year and remember, it just means a new date on the calendar, not the end of the world.

And with that, I leave you with this:

            You claim to be the North Star
Because you know where you’re going
And swear you know where I want to go
But I try to tell you
Perhaps I don’t want to go North
Maybe I should go East
Instead, I could travel West
But you stick to your words
Insist you know what’s best
And so I just tell you,
Just because you’re the North Star
It doesn’t make you the brightest